We’ve been getting busy on Twilio recently working on our SE Honeypot project. It’s a wonderful platform, everything is placed where it feels it should be, some complex IVR tasks can be made in a drag and drop fashion – …
WhatsUpp With Scams
In some countries, being a scammer is as legitimate a profession as being a nurse or a teacher. When jobs are sparse and education is out of reach of many, often people are forced to put morals aside in order …
We All Work For Namecheap
So you want to start your first phishing site. First of all, you need to purchase a domain. Something that will trick unsuspecting internet users into clicking on it and submitting their credentials. Then you have to secure a good-value …
Trust in SMS
Before we get into this blog, can we please just take a second to fondly remember the fallen… for many of us the source of this modern world we now feel so familiar with. You might not remember the the …
Phishing danger is just a hyphen away.
Followers of the blog will know that I’m not a fan of SMS. It’s spoofable, it’s hackable, it’s from 1981. I can’t even have a meal out in peace without finding SMS weaknesses that take over some random service. So …
How We Could Chat On Your WeChat
For those of you wanting a technical debrief of what happened, this blog might not be for you. I actually want to focus on something completely different. Please take the TL;Dr and be on your merry way. This is a …
Turned Off By Ofcom
In July 2019, Ofcom introduced a new way to handle number portability for UK customers. The idea was a simple one, make it possible for people to text ‘PAC’ to 65075 and within seconds a SIM porting request is in …
Hey Siri, ruin my life
Normally we take pride in demonstrating a cutting edge social engineering technique, but as I write this article the only feeling I have is utter dismay. I am ashamed of the regulatory body. Ofcom (The Office of Communications, the UK …
Twitter is Broken
Twitter by SMS So let’s get the boring stuff out the way! if you have a phone number connected to your Twitter account you can SMS Twitter and do social media stuff via SMS message. An SMS of ‘RT @Twitter’ …
Argos Doesn’t Take Care of IT
So recently I needed a computer monitor in a hurry, I was in the north and I wanted a monitor to be collected by a colleague in the south. My mind pondered several next day options but then it hit …
Will they send a SMS or won’t they?
Recently I stumbled across a publication from HMRC, it stated the forms of communications they would use to contact the tax paying public. Example messages were displayed in an attempt to ‘whitelist’ communications. Basically, if you receive correspondence that looks …
Project ‘Sender ID’
Over 100 Billion SMS messages are sent per year in the U.K., whilst this figure continues to fall due to mobile device users opting to use alternative communication mediums such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Signal – we are still …
iMessage Preview Problems
In recent Apple iMessage updates, the way links are handled within an SMS message have changed significantly and this adaptation poses quite a concern for us. Early 2016 we were the first company in the UK to offer SMShing services, …