In support of the Digital Leaders ‘Cyber Resilience Week’ Richard will be speaking at two events:
Monday 11th September 2017 – The DeMontfort University in Leicester –
Thursday 14th September 2017 – Chelsea Football Club –
The days will be hosted by the team over at the London Digital Security Centre ( and as an alliance partner it will be an honour for The AntiSocial Engineer to add to the day.
The slot will consist of key tips and ‘straight to the point’ advice, over the 45 minutes you will hear insight in to the simple things we can do to stop over 80% of computer crime. A lighthearted run down on social engineering, passwords and keeping things up to date. Quite often at events we talk of high level changes that are needed, metaphors are used and we speak of the holistic approach – but not today! Listen up and take notes, make the changes right in the audience!
Richard De Vere (@AntiSocial_Eng) is the Principal Consultant for The AntiSocial Engineer, he has an extensive background in penetration testing and social engineering assessments, including ‘red team’ exercises and information gathering assessments for financial institutions and some of the UK’s largest companies.