Most of our social engineering jobs begin the same way – researching our “victims”. Whether it’s the accounts manager that we want to coax into paying a fake invoice, or the security guard who we need to convince to let …
All Inclusive Scams
If there is one thing that always impresses me it’s the ways scammers rotate what they do, many marketing teams could learn a thing or two by watching this. Scammers are always the first ones to exploit seasonal events. Be …
Twitter is Broken
Twitter by SMS So let’s get the boring stuff out the way! if you have a phone number connected to your Twitter account you can SMS Twitter and do social media stuff via SMS message. An SMS of ‘RT @Twitter’ …
The Romance Scam
There was a simpler time where people would send post cards asking for pen-friends. A friendship slowly developed and they would ask for a small amount of money. With the advent of the internet all this changed though, scammers could …
Shut Up About Facebook
People seem annoyed recently that a little known company called Cambridge Analytica have been accused of doing some pretty dodgy things with our data. I mean, it truly was an edge of the seat expose by Channel 4 – at …
Phishing, Evolved.
When we talk about phishing, the first thing people would associate with is the traditional phishing email. The click here. The “urgent action needed” kind of junk we see everyday in our inboxes… but is this still the case? Are …
Online AntiSocial Media
When we look at online social media, it has been adopted in one flavour or another by nearly all of us. The way we project our persona online has slowly replaced the media of yesteryear. Expression is nothing new; throughout …
Sim Swap Fraud – Porting your digital life in minutes.
In this post, I wish to cover ‘Sim Swap Fraud’ and some of the ways we can prevent it. I’m not a natural writer, I only do these blogs in hope people will listen up and improve security. So feel free to …
OSINT For Profit
An interesting skill we have honed over the years has been the use of OSINT techniques to gather information on a client company. For those new to all this, it’s ok because you can follow quite easily and should learn …